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Integrated Branding Is The Foundation of a Successful Image That People Will Gravitate Toward


A Strong Effect

Through the creation of a bright, memorable and recognizable brand.


The Maximum Result

That is achieved using increasing sales and customer loyalty.


Consistent Image

By ensuring consistency across all communication channels.

About the Service

Comprehensive Branding

Integrated turnkey branding from the OKO Branding Agency is a guaranteed high-quality way to create and promote your brand. We offer professional, Comprehensive Brand development and creative promotion, ensuring successful positioning in the market. Order comprehensive promotion of your business from us and receive all the necessary tools to popularize your image on the Internet and beyond. 

Choose your package

Comprehensive Branding Cost



20 Days
  • Logo development: creation of the main graphic element of the brand
  • Brand book development: determining the color palette, typography and basic style elements
  • Naming: choosing a name for a brand or product
  • Identity: development of additional branding elements (icons, templates, backgrounds)
  • Video: creating a short promotional video (logo animation or brand presentation)



20 Days
  • All services from Package "Start"
  • In-depth logo design with multiple concepts to choose from
  • Finding the perfect name and domain name for your brand
  • Development of an expanded brand book with a detailed description of the rules of use
  • Creation of graphic elements for use on packaging, documents and promotional materials
  • Video: script development and shooting of a professional promotional video
  • Creation of an animated version of the logo for use in digital channels
  • Organizing a photo shoot for the brand (if necessary)
  • Video editing and post-production using special effects
  • Preparing branding presentations for clients and partners



20 Days
  • All services from Package "Optimal"
  • In-depth research of the target audience and creation of a unique brand positioning
  • Development of integrated marketing strategies based on a brand book
  • Participation in the process of choosing the ideal naming, taking into account marketing aspects
  • Audit of existing branding and recommendations for updating
  • Development of additional materials for branding (templates of documents, packaging, advertising banners)
  • Video: creating a series of videos for use in various media channels
  • Management of the printing and production process of branded materials
  • Organizing and conducting events to launch and promote the brand
  • Consulting on strategic branding development and promotion
  • Developing a brand presentation strategy on various platforms and media
  • Conducting focus groups and research to assess target audience perception of the brand
  • Organizing special events and promotions to attract attention to the new brand
  • Development of animated elements and interactive components for use on websites and mobile applications
  • Ongoing support and advice on branding strategy, including responding to changes in the market environment and audience needs

Stages of Comprehensive Branding 

  • Studying the market, competitors and target audience.
  • Audit of the current brand (if available).
  • Formation of positioning stages and definition of brand values.
  • Formulating a step-by-step marketing strategy.

  • Creation of a name, logo, corporate identity for a brand.
  • Development of advertising materials.

  • Brand positioning in the market.
  • Brand promotion through various channels. 
  • Stage-by-stage brand promotion
  • Using creative ideas for brand promotion

Internet Marketing
  • Comprehensive Internet marketing on a turnkey basis
  • SEO, SMM, contextual advertising.

  • Monitoring branding effectiveness.
  • Making adjustments to the strategy if necessary.
  • Strong, recognizable brand.
  • Increased sales
Answers on questions

FAQ About Integrated Branding 

Who Can Order Complex Branding?

Integrated branding is suitable for a self-respecting company of any size and field of activity, including start-ups , as well as existing brands that want to strengthen their position in the market.

What Problems Does Integrated Branding Solve?

●        Creating a strong brand that is recognizable to a wide audience.

●        Increasing brand popularity.

●        Increase sales and attract new customers.

●        Formation of a positive image of the company.

What Is Integrated Branding?

Integrated branding is a holistic approach to creating and promoting a brand, which includes all its aspects: from developing a creative name and stylish logo to effective market positioning and comprehensive promotion.

What Are The Benefits of Integrated Branding?

●        A unified image by ensuring consistent promotion across all communication channels.

●        A strong effect by creating a memorable and recognizable brand.

●        Maximum results, which imply increased sales and customer loyalty.

Why Should You Contact OKO Branding Agency?

●        Solid experience: more than 10 years in the branding market.

●        Professional team: specialists in their field who know how to create and promote a brand.

●        An integrated approach: we offer a full range of services for creating and promoting a brand .

●        Result: we guarantee high quality work and achievement of set goals.

How To Order Comprehensive Branding From The OKO Branding Agency?

●        Leave a request on our website: hi@oko.dev

●        Write to us by email: hi@oko.dev

●        Call us on: +99894 072 88 33

OKO Branding Agency is your reliable and creative guide in the world of branding!

What Stages Does Integrated Branding Include?

●        Analysis: study of the market niche, competitors and target audience.

●        Strategy: defining goals, positioning objectives and brand values.

●        Development: creation of a name, logo and corporate identity.

●        Communication: brand promotion through various communication channels, feedback from the audience.

●        Control: monitoring the effectiveness of branding, adjusting the strategy.

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